What 12th Graders Need To Be Doing Right Now!

You are a senior!   You only have one academic year left to apply to colleges, earn scholarships, and gain college credit through AP, IB, and dual enrollment programs.  Make the most of your time by learning what you need to focus on season by season.

Host – Stephania Jimenez Castro, Recent College Graduate and From Nest To Wings Volunteer

Writer – Barb Norrbom, High School Counselor

Camera Operator\Editor: Jaryd Meek - https://twitter.com/JarydMeek

All Music by Approaching Nirvana


--Intro Song--

Song: Awake To Find

Listen to the song on Spotify: http://bit.ly/N2WIntro

--Background Music—

Song: Glimpse Of Winter

Listen to the song on Spotify: https://bit.ly/GlimpseOfWinter-AN

From Nest To Wings Spotify Playlist –
