Title IX Today

Title IX provides a framework for all educational institutions that receive federal funding as they work to provide women with opportunities that have not been traditionally available.

Our Socials –

Twitter – https://twitter.com/nest2wings/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Nest2Wings/

Website - https://nesttowings.org/

Host/Writer: Margaret Meek, Executive Director, From Nest To Wings

Camera Operator/Editor: Jaryd Meek

All Music by Approaching Nirvana


--Intro Song--

Song: Awake To Find

Listen to the song on Spotify: http://bit.ly/N2WIntro

--Background Music—

Song: Long Past, and Yet to Come

Listen to the song on Spotify: http://bit.ly/LongPastAndYetToCome-AN

From Nest To Wings Spotify Playlist -
