If you are thinking about applying to Ivy League or top-tier colleges here are the steps you NEED to take before you make a decision! Coming up next will be how to actually get into a top-tier school, and then how to succeed in the top-tier school!
Our Socials –
Twitter – https://twitter.com/nest2wings/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Nest2Wings/
Website - https://nesttowings.org/
Host/Writer: Mohika Nagpal, Top-Tier University Graduate and College Consultant
Camera Operator/Editor: Jaryd Meek - https://twitter.com/JarydMeek
All Music by Approaching Nirvana
--Intro Song--
Song: Awake To Find
Listen to the song on Spotify: http://bit.ly/N2WIntro
--Background Music—
Song: A New Tide
Listen to the song on Spotify:http://bit.ly/ANewTide-AN
—From Nest To Wings Spotify Playlist —