What Do College Rankings ACTUALLY Measure?

College rankings appear every year. What use are they to those putting together their college lists? Find out more about what is contained in the rankings and how you can use them!

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Twitter – https://twitter.com/nest2wings/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Nest2Wings/

Website - https://nesttowings.org/

Host/Writer: Margaret Meek, From Nest to Wings Executive Director

Camera Operator/Editor: Jaryd Meek - https://twitter.com/JarydMeek

All Music by Approaching Nirvana


--Intro Song--

Song: Awake To Find

Listen to the song on Spotify: http://bit.ly/N2WIntro

--Background Music—

Song: First Flight Relaunched

Listen to the song on Spotify: http://bit.ly/FirstFlightRelaunched-AN

From Nest To Wings Spotify Playlist – http://bit.ly/FN2W-Music