What if YOU Made College Admissions Decisions?

It seems easy from the outside, but college admission decisions are complicated. Learn about the layers of the process so you can make sure your application is the strongest it can be. Think through what it might be like to be in that role.

Our Socials –

Twitter – https://twitter.com/nest2wings/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Nest2Wings/

Website - https://nesttowings.org/

Host/Writer: Margaret Meek, From Nest to Wings Executive Director

Camera Operator/Editor: Jaryd Meek - https://twitter.com/JarydMeek

All Music by Approaching Nirvana


--Intro Song--

Song: Awake To Find

Listen to the song on Spotify: http://bit.ly/N2WIntro

--Background Music—

Song: Driftwood

Listen to the song: http://bit.ly/Driftwood-AN

From Nest To Wings Spotify Playlist – http://bit.ly/FN2W-Music